Love tastes!
Neked Cake is a dream project. After university and confectionery school, it became clear in which direction my heart really drew, and it turned out that after all baking was not a passing hobby for me but a career. Neked Cake is a small (personal) cake shop where I make my cakes upon requests – for you. If I have extra time, I also blog so that the joy of baking is not just mine. I share a variety of recipes and I post many other things that might interest you or inspire me.
I cook and bake almost daily (baking is understandable). Sometimes I am inspired by amusement, curiosity for new flavors, or, of course, hunger. Cooking and eating mean to me the really important things: HEALTH and TIME (for my love, family, friends and myself). Yes, these are a constant source of joy for me that connect all aspects of my life, including my work. What will be served at the table depends on various things (mood, time, season, etc.) but often, fantasy plays a key role. For me, it is a priority to always work with fresh, high-quality, and, preferably, Hungarian ingredients that are best to buy at the farmers’ markets.
I hope, Dear Reader, that soon you will also have your own opinion of my creations based on your personal experience!